Brioche is a classic French yeast bread whose golden color is derived from butter and eggs. It makes a special treat when used as French toast for a weekend breakfast for the family. It’s a time to reacquaint with parents and siblings for a little laughter and love. Quality time is needed to make up for those crazy weekday schedules. Just the thought of cinnamon puts me in a great mood! Check out those little flecks in the picture above. Oh my! This should be a scratch and sniff picture…..
I was able to find a loaf with about 16 slices. This recipe is perfect for one loaf. However, if you plan on camping with many teenage boys and their appetites, you better double it! The roughing it for the weekend deserves this reward. Now, if they would just help clean up, and I’m not talking about cleaning up the French toast….. Back here, boys! It’s my vacation, too!
My next challenge will be to learn how to make this luscious loaf of bread! Oh, Julia!?
Prep time:
Total time:

- 3 eggs, beaten
- ¾ c. half and half or milk
- ¼ c. orange juice
- 1 T. vanilla
- 1 T. sugar
- ½ t. cinnamon
- ¼ t. nutmeg
- 2 T. melted butter, cooled
- Preheat griddle to 325 degrees.
- Combine beaten eggs, half and half and orange juice.
- Separately, whisk together the sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Then, whisk them into the egg mixture.
- Whisk in the cooled butter.
- Dip each slice in mixture. Let the excess dip off. Place on griddle.
- Turn over when bread turns slightly golden brown.
- Remove the french toast from the griddle to a pan to a 200 degree oven to keep warm until served.
- Serve with syrup(raspberry is wonderful on this) or sprinkled with powdered sugar and fresh fruit of your choice.