Cherry Balsamic Vinaigrette is amazing! Sweet, yet tangy, it compliments a simple salad to make it a memorable experience! I love to eat dried Montmorency cherries probably more than I should, but they offer antioxidant properties that validates my need to go back to the pantry for another small handful.
It was hotter than blazes today. You know, triple H-rated. Hazy-Hot-Humid….A great day to stay in and not overwork oneself. Lunch was going to be light. I had plenty of leftovers from which to choose for this salad. My choice was leftover grilled chicken tossed with some dried Montmorency cherries along with some almonds. Drizzle on some of this delicious Cherry Balsamic Vinaigrette and call it a done deal. You will be fresh flavor-satisfied! I feel cooler already.
Prep time:
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Serves: 1 cup

- ¼ c. white balsamic vinegar
- 1 large garlic clove, minced
- ½ t. sea salt
- ¼ t. black pepper, freshly ground
- 1 T. Dijon mustard
- 1 t. honey or agave
- 12 whole dried Montemorency Cherries
- 2 T. tart cherry juice concentrate
- ½ c. extra virgin olive oil or safflower oil
- Whisk together vinegar, garlic salt pepper and mustard.
- Add safflower oil and honey/agave.
- Whisk briskly until well incorporated with vinegar mixture.
- This can be completed with an immersion blender or a NutriBullet.