If you need an appetizer to take to a gathering or just crave a marvelous tuna salad on a toasted bun for lunch, Tea Party Tuna Salad is the perfect choice. Such a variety of options for its use! I have pictures of a few finger foods, that have been taste-tested, which would be awesome for a casual affair of the heart or quick get together with the girls! Either way, its versatility makes it a winner in my house!
The origination began with Barbie’s Tuna Salad which my husband found in a quest of hunger one day. The recipe was for a smaller portion than what this created so I needed to make some alterations. Using some proportional reasoning acquired during my math teaching career and personal freedom to replace or add to this delightful recipe, a star (of the sea) was born! Tuna drained and flaked. Ingredients are measured and whisked together prior to adding it to the tuna to help evenly distribute the fabulous combinations of flavor.
Here are a few simple creations which were delightful bites. I used a small scoop (melon ball) of the Tea Party Tuna Salad per cracker. One had a slice of a grape tomato with a small basil leaf. To its right you see a scoop on my homemade pesto; I know I shouldn’t show favoritism, but this combination is AHH-MAZZZZ-ING !! Moving down from there is a scoop on a slice of an English cucumber with a touch of thyme. To its left was my final creation is a scoop of tuna topped with some tangy capers. Oh, the possibilities are endless! Tell me how you would serve them!
Since I could not decide which picture of these to use, here is another point of view….(Excuse me while I go eat them…)
There’s always the old standby on a toasted brioche bun to satisfy the ordinary eater, however, I would slather on some of my pesto to notch it up a few levels of flavor. Yum!

- 1-12 oz. can Albacore Tuna, drained
- ½ c. plus 2 T. mayo
- ¼ c. Parmesan Cheese, shredded
- ¼ c. Sweet Pickle Relish
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- ¼ t. minced onion flakes
- ½ t. hot madras curry powder
- 5 t. dried parsley flakes
- 1¾ t. dried dill weed
- Drain tuna; flake it in small bowl.
- Add mayo and shredded cheese.
- Stir garlic into sweet pickle relish then add to tuna bowl.
- Combine the onion flakes, curry, parsley and dill with a whisk; sprinkle over tuna.
- Gently stir all ingredients together until thoroughly distributed,
- Chill until ready to serve.